The selfish me
Your life must have been better, before I stepped in
But now things are difficult, difficult deep within
I try to grab attention, I always make u sad
It’s me and my behaviour, that makes your good day go bad
I tend to be so selfish, I never try to understand,
I try to have my say and hold the upper hand
My words have no compassion, things never are alright
I try to cheer you up, but end up with a fight
Things would have gone worse ever since I stepped in
You want to ask me to leave, but keep the feelings deep within
I realize I m worth nothing, I realize I give no joy,
I know that even if I try I can only make you cry,
So I want to move away from you and let you be,
I have failed in whatever I have tried and still remain the selfish me.
Sadness has taken over my joys again
I am feeling weak with despair and pain
I was really shattered when I got to know the mystery
I am living a life that was not meant to be
All these years I lived a life, where truth was distorted
I would have been better off had my birth been aborted
Cause be it sunshine or be it rain
All that I have endured these years is nothing but pain
I always tried to be happy, but always ended up being sad
But now I just cannot carry on, things are real bad,
It’s no use in living a life that was not meant to be
Had my birth been aborted I could have been saved the agony
Even today
I try so hard to forget you
But you just don’t go out of my mind
My eyes go wet, tears start rolling
When I think of the moments you have left behind
I remember each moment spent with you
Each moment, nothing has ever died
I still remember the day you departed
We both had hugged each other and cried
I had asked you not to leave me
I had asked you but all in vain
I knew you were leaving me forever
I knew you would never be mine again
And today when things don’t go my way
And at times when my pains I try to hide
I still tend to carry the wishful thinking
Things would have been much better, with you by my side
Me and God
God gave me life
But now I ask him why
When along with this life
He gave me tears to cry
They say that if you are sad
Think of him and you will not
But I think that after giving me life
Giving happiness he must have forgot
They say he cares for all
They say his love is true
But he has never given me
The joys he has given to you.
I miss talking to you, the way I used to do
I miss being by your side and I miss your smile too
I miss your getting angry at me
I miss the times when we both were sad
I miss being together in good times
I miss being together when things were bad
I miss holding your hand, I miss your tender touch
I miss staring into your eyes, Oh! Dear I miss you so much
I miss those tender moments, when I did not want you to let go
I miss trying to tell how much I loved u, and my attempts to let u know
I miss that touching moment, when you wiped the tears of my eye
I miss when you held my hand and made me promise that I won’t cry
I think I’d still be missing you no matter how hard I try
I still wish that you were mine and not said the final goodbye.
My life
Tattered and torn, rejected and worn
That’s what my life is.
Battered and bruised, objected and abused
That’s what my life is.
Weakened and frailed, unwanted and unhailed
That’s what my life is.
Unsettled and insecure , unwilling and unsure
That’s what my life is.
Deceived and cheated, neglected and illtreated
That’s what my life is.
He and you
He loved you more than his life and even more
He wanted you to be his, but still he felt insecure
The social inequality would one day take it’s toll
For you were a mountain, he, he was a mole
Yet he fell for you, he gave you his loving heart
He dreamt a dream of future and made you it’s part
You too had responded and the relationship had bloomed
But neither you nor he knew that the future was doomed
And then one day it happened you went away so far away
He on his part tried his best and pleaded to you to stay
After you left he was broken and just did not want to live
Cos u had broken his caring heart, the most precious thing he could give
And now his heart was shattered and did u ever care
Did you ever turn back to see if he was still there
He never knew you could forget him, how could you be so mean
His sad eyes still search for you, if only u could be seen.
Sat she in shimmering gold, her almond eyes telling a tale
Of love and friendship, lost in a sudden gale,
Unquestioning, unfaltering she went around the sacred fire
Holding the hands of her legal heir
Stood I in a corner, trying to catch her eye
To tell her I would miss her perhaps pine and die
Look at me she did not through the veil over her head
But memories she brought back which I long thought were dead
Of love and laughter, of love and care, of love and love and love everywhere
Those days were so fun, those days were so dear,
To my bleeding heart they still seem so near,
But far they are and far let them be
And may she at her beloved’s home great happiness see.
I know that you are not ready yet
Your love I won’t pursue
But while you are making up your mind
My love will wait for you
A love that’s freely chosen
Is a love that will endure
A love that is prepared to wait
Will end up more secure
My love for you is something
That I never will outgrow
I’ll wait until you are sure enough
To answer yes or no
So if you feel that love is not for us to share
Tell me do not be shy, your true thoughts declare
But if u feel that love describes the feeling in your heart
Then tell me your deepest thoughts so we are not long apart.
For You
Everyday I live and find
You are always in my mind
You are with me when I cry
With me when I close my eyes
When I am feeling down…you are all around
When this world just turns away
Everytime I loose my way
With my back against the wall
Everytime I take a fall
I am not alone because of you
I have you in my heart
Oh yes I do
I want to give you all my love
I want to give you all the joys that be
You are the half of what I am
Yes you are a part of me
And even though you are miles apart
I still can feel u in my heart
May all your lifes dreams come true
That’s one prayer that I have for you
Eyes and Tears
The pain in my heart has not settled yet
My eyes, they once again have gone wet
The tears that they spill are the tears of regret
The tears of loosing someone whom they had once met
The tears tell the story of agony and pain
The story of someone who can never be mine again
My eyes, they search her even now, to ask her why?
Why she had to leave me and make them cry
These eyes are wet ever since and have never gone dry
The keep getting flooded with tears who always ask me why?
Why we have to fall down each day from your cheek
Why I have become so dejected with life, why I have gone so meek
I wish I could answer them, I wish I could tell them why
I won’t have the answer for this, even till the day I die.
Happiness and sadness
Happiness and sadness, they play a part in our life
Any imbalance between them, always lead to strife
My life too had them but sadness took most of the share
Sadness, he seemed to like me a lot
Happiness, well, he was not always there
Happiness became a stranger with each passing day
Sadness gave me company, making me feel he was there to stay
I tried to strike a balance between them, the solution could not be found
Because each time I searched for happiness, sadness was all around
Sadness, well he took over, and for happiness he kept away
And if ever he did visit me, his was a very short stay
One day I confronted sadness and asked him why he’s always around
He smiled and replied, its your “life”, it gives me a solid ground
Its not that I wish to stay forever, but your life wants me to stay,
Your past has given me opportunities, now I just won’t go away
When I confronted happiness and asked him why he was not there
He smiled and said ask the ones, who say that they care,
The so called caring people never brought me along when my need was there
They kept me waiting for you, while they went around saying that they care
Well, I was there with you at times I got a chance
Those were the moments when you were in love, you could feel the romance
Then sadness came along and he played his part
He got me kicked from your life and broke your loving heart
These answers left me wondering, they left me asking why
I think this life I have to be content with sadness, until the day I die.